CSI’s new series of public forums, Water and Community, features lectures, panel discussions, and access to information from a range of sources. Audience members are strongly encouraged to ask questions and discuss issues raised by lecturers. The Water and Community series is organized around three broad themes:
Water and Community events provide a public venue for learning about the science of water, how this essential resource is being managed in our region, and how it impacts our community.
Please find the details, presentations, and supporting materials from each Water and Community event below.
Saturday, September 30th 2017, 9:00 – 12:00 at The Space @ Greenstar
The Community Science Institute, co-sponsors Cayuga Lake Watershed Network and Floating Classroom, and other organizations addressed the concerns surrounding the 2017 outbreak of suspicious algal blooms in Cayuga Lake. Speakers highlighted key aspects of the ecology and toxicity of blue-green algae, reviewed measures taken to protect public health, and responded to questions from the audience. Participating organizations offered a wealth of HABs related information.
See the HABs forum information flyer for a schedule of events and list of invited organizations. Presentations delivered by lecturers are posted below
Check out CSI’s interview with WHCU’s Lee Rayburn about harmful algal blooms.
Ecology of Cyanobacteria – Lisa Cleckner, Director, Finger Lakes Institute
The above presentation was given on 9/30/17 and covers the following topics:
Testing for Toxins: Assessing whether a cyanobacterial bloom is harmful or not – Stephen Penningroth, Director, Community Science Institute
The above presentation was given on 9/30/17 and covers the following topics:
Harmful Algal Blooms & Public Health – Adriel Shea, Senior Public Health Sanitarian, Tompkins County Health Department
The above presentation was given on 9/30/17 and covers the following topics:
The DEC’s HABs Program – Anthony Prestigiacomo, Research Scientist, Finger Lakes Watershed Hub, Division of Water, Bureau of Water Assessment & Management
The above presentation was given on 9/30/17 and covers the following topics:
Cyanobacteria Blooms Reported Through the Summer of 2017
Community Science Institute has long been known for our environmental monitoring partnership
It is a pleasure to announce that Community Science Institute’s (CSI’s) board